Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mixed Emotions... Wha..? No, It more like flat out FEAR...

My sister & I are moving from our family home in New Mexico to our sister & family's home in Arizona. This is our first move away from the parental units & lets face it... We are both scared!

Yes, my sister is 35 & I am 33 but YIKES!!! Seriously though, we need to get out from under the constant shadow of the parentals & learn to live. With us moving in with my sister & her fam, we will be more like roomies instead of children.

I am really going to miss my beautiful friends in my congregation & the fun we had together. The congregation we will be in is also a great one. We will just need to adjust. I'm sorta frightened about getting a job at a place that is run by neither friends nor family. I have to learn to drive new streets & possibly *gasp* get on the freeways!

We have been praying heavily about this & have talked to two of our closest elder friends. They have both said to "Go For It!" They know that we need our own identity & that we can be successful if we rely on Jehovah. Plus they know we need to get out to keep our sanity & keep progressing spiritually.

This is a big scary step, but if we don't take it we will never grow.


  1. It is a scary step, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. But, we need to strike out on our own & begin to feel like useful adults. I just keep praying that it'll all work out.

  2. You should definitely go for it. Don't be afraid! At least you're not alone. You still have each other.. and your sister.. and the whole congregation to help you.
    When my mom moved out (Yeah SHE moved out first!) i was 20, and all happened very fast. But as witnesses we are lucky to have a big loving family to help us!
